Ace Logics Request Demo CampusInbox is a portal for educational institutions (schools, colleges and universities). Our platform covers all aspects of education pertaining to teachers, administrators, students and their parents. Course material and assessment details enhance the communication between users. CampusInbox improves management decision making using realtime data from our portal. A Simple LifeStyle Control your entire home from your Smartphone. Get Smarter with MANZIL Home Automation Solutions! Book Your demo


Impress your customers with a whole new, interactive web experience, crafted for optimal viewing across all platforms, from desktop computers to smartphones.

Grow your online presence through social media, blogging and advertising

We take a thoughtful approach to find out your company’s values, form a big idea around them, and then create uniformity across the board to establish one logo, voice and identity.

Create a seamless transition between multiple channels through one unified system. A complete Omnichannel Solution

Information security is a top priority for companies today as data protection has become critical for companies building a competitive advantage. We advocate a comprehensive approach to information security that includes an orchestrated combination of technology and best practice processes.

Allow your customer to communicate directly with you instead of using a common social media platform always – Make it a personal experience!

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